You Are No Accident
You entered this world not by chance or mistake
A specific purpose you’re meant to make
No one can offer what you have to give
Simply by being you and choosing to live
Authentically as you are destined to be
Sharing your talents so others can see
New ways of thinking, creating, and living
The special perspective you alone are bringing
The world needs what’s distinctive in you
To envision solutions, make dreams come true
Inspire hope when people feel defeated
Lift up the voices that go unheeded
Comfort those who are hurting and need a friend
Courageously stand for justice, help mend
All that is broken by being the voice
That makes the choice to heal, to rejoice
In who you are, the goodness within
That you selflessly give, the light you send
Into darkness, despair, loneliness and fear
You are the answer to someone’s prayer
Your empathy, compassion has meaning
Your art, ideas, passion for helping, listening
Offer what no one else’s soul could
You’re a gift this world desperately needed
So believe in your worth, the role only you
Can fulfill by being honestly, uniquely you
Have faith that your presence makes existence better
Your life is no accident — you truly matter