Whispers of the Dreamscape
Beneath a cloak of darkness, the moonlight roams,
A melancholic being, with secrets to atone,
It wanders the earth, a spectral guide,
Illuminating shadows, where secrets reside.
Luminescent tendrils caress the night,
Whispering to creatures, bathed in its soft light,
The moonlight’s touch, a balm for their souls,
A solace in darkness, where truth unfolds.
But as the moonlight wanders, a silent plea,
A lonely journey, for none to truly see,
It yearns for connection, a kindred embrace,
To share its secrets, to find a resting place.
Through the ebony canvas, the moonlight weaves,
Unveiling hidden tales, like autumn leaves,
It dances with shadows, casting ethereal beams,
A companion to the night, where solace gleams.
Yet in its wanderings, the moonlight remains,
An enigmatic figure, forever in chains,
For though it illuminates, it cannot be known,
A transient presence, forever alone.
Oh, melancholic moonlight, your journey is long,
As you traverse the heavens, your spirit strong,
Illuminate the secrets, whisper to the night,
But know that your loneliness is veiled from sight.
For in your gentle glow, a longing resides,
A desire for connection, to be seen through the tides,
But remember, dear moonlight, your purpose profound,
To illuminate the world, even when darkness surrounds.
In your lonely journey, find solace in the stars,
Embrace the night’s creatures, heal their hidden scars,
For though you wander, melancholic and alone,
Your essence brings comfort, a light to call our own.