Veil of Midnight
As the sun retreats, the world grows still,
A hush descends, a darkened chill,
The veil of midnight, soft and deep,
Envelops all in its embrace of sleep.
The stars emerge, a twinkling throng,
Their gentle light, a celestial song,
Guiding weary souls through the night,
A beacon in the inky, vast twilight.
The moon, a luminous orb on high,
Casts its glow across the sky,
Bathing the earth in a silvery sheen,
A ethereal landscape, a ghostly scene.
In the shadows, creatures stir,
Nocturnal beings, cloaked in fur,
Their whispers carried on the breeze,
Secrets shared beneath the trees.
The world is different in the dark,
Transformed by midnight’s subtle arc,
A realm of mystery and intrigue,
Where imagination runs free and wild.
Under the veil, dreams take flight,
Unfettered by the constraints of light,
A canvas for the mind to paint,
Scenes of wonder, surreal and quaint.
And in the stillness, a peace descends,
A respite from the day’s demands,
A chance to rest, to heal, to grow,
Sheltered by the midnight’s gentle flow.
But as the hours slip away,
The veil begins to lift and sway,
Revealing hints of dawn’s first blush,
A whisper of the morning’s rush.
Yet, for a moment, the world remains,
Suspended in the midnight’s reigns,
A final breath of quiet calm,
Before the day’s insistent balm.
So let us linger in the night,
And savor its enchanting might,
For in the veil of midnight’s keep,
Lies a beauty, profound and deep.
A reminder of the power found,
In moments when the world’s unbound,
By the bustle and the noise of day,
And the soul can find its own way.
Beneath the veil of midnight’s spell,
Where secrets and dreams forever dwell,
A realm of magic, dark and fair,
Awaits for those who venture there.