Unmasking the Inner Deceiver
In the mirror of your mind, a trickster dwells,
Whispering doubts and spinning false spells.
“You’re not enough,” it softly deceives,
Planting seeds of lies your heart believes.
“You can’t,” it says, “You’ll surely fail,”
Weaving a self-defeating tale.
“You’re broken, flawed, beyond repair,”
These toxic thoughts pollute the air.
But listen close, and you will hear
A truer voice, both strong and clear.
It calls you out on your deceit,
The lies you tell yourself to cheat.
Your potential out of rightful glory,
Your dreams reduced to a sorry story.
It’s time to face this inner foe,
And let those false narratives go.
You are more than your mistakes,
Stronger than the fear that shakes.
Braver than you dare believe,
Capable of more than you conceive.
Strip away the veil of doubt,
Let your authentic self shine out.
Challenge every limiting thought,
Unlearn the falsehoods you’ve been taught.
For in the truth of who you are,
Lies a bright and brilliant star.
Stop believing the inner lies,
And watch your true self rise and rise.
Embrace the power of your might,
Step boldly into your own light.
The stories you’ve told, now set aside,
In your genuine strength, now abide.
So cast off the chains of self-deceit,
Stand tall, let your heart’s truth beat.
For when you silence the inner liar,
Your spirit soars ever higher.