Under the Solstice Sky
Dancing barefoot on dewy grass,
As twilight’s purple shadows pass,
We raise our voices to the night,
Where stars ignite their ancient light.
Round the fire’s sacred glow,
We move like spirits, high and low,
Our drums beat out Earth’s primal song,
As we to nature’s dance belong.
Oak leaves crown our wind-swept hair,
While incense spirals through the air,
The wheel of year turns once again,
Through joy and sorrow, loss and gain.
Midsummer magic fills the grove,
Where fairy lights and spirits rove,
The veil grows thin between the worlds,
As mystery’s flag becomes unfurled.
Sweet herbs beneath our feet release
Their healing scent of summer’s peace,
While honeysuckle scents the breeze
That whispers secrets through the trees.
We are the children of the Earth,
Connected to each death and birth,
Our hearts beat with the cosmic dance
That holds all life within its trance.
So raise your voice and join the song,
To powers that have lived so long,
Under this bright solstice sky,
Where ancient wisdom never dies.
For we are bound to sun and moon,
To midnight’s dark and golden noon,
Our spirits free to dance and fly
Under the endless solstice sky.