They tried to drown my voice
In dark water,
But forgot I learned to sing
Beneath waves.
They tried to burn my words,
But couldn’t touch the flames
Already burning in my blood.
You think these chains are heavy?
I’ve carried the weight of silence
Far longer than your iron.
You think this cell is dark?
I’ve walked through shadows
That would make your nightmares weep.
Break my fingers —
I’ll write with my toes.
Cut out my tongue —
I’ll speak with my eyes.
Blind me —
I’ll see with my soul.
Your torture is just another language
I’ll learn to translate into strength.
Each scar you carve
Becomes a line of poetry,
Each bruise blooms
Into a paragraph of protest,
Each broken bone
Rebuilds itself into
A stronger verse.
You cannot shatter
What was forged in fire,
Cannot silence
What speaks in heartbeats,
Cannot kill
What lives in truth.
My grandfather survived worse cells,
My mother walked through harder trials,
My blood remembers how to rise
From ashes, from graves,
From every pit you dig
To bury our kind.
I am not alone in this darkness —
I stand with every voice
You tried to silence,
Every spirit you tried to break,
Every truth you tried to bury.
We are legion in our defiance,
Infinite in our resistance.
Your walls cannot contain
What was born boundless,
Your bars cannot cage
What flows like water,
Your boots cannot crush
What grows like hope
Between concrete cracks.
You may own the courts,
Control the guards,
Write the laws,
Build the prisons —
But you will never own
The sunrise in my mind,
The freedom in my thoughts,
The revolution in my pulse.
For I am not just flesh
To break and bend —
I am idea, eternal,
I am truth, unbending,
I am hope, unending,
I am voice, unsilenced,
I am fire, unextinguished.
Strike me down —
I’ll rise taller.
Lock me up —
I’ll grow stronger.
Torture me —
I’ll laugh louder.
Kill me —
I’ll live forever
In every heart that beats
For freedom.
You should have learned by now:
Tyrants always fall,
Empires always crumble,
But the human spirit —
Oh, the human spirit
Remains unbreakable,
Rising like a phoenix
From the ashes of your power,
Singing songs of liberation
That echo through centuries.
I stand here now,
Bloodied but unbowed,
Wounded but undefeated,
A lighthouse in your storm,
A flame in your darkness,
Living proof that your power
Is nothing
Against the strength
Of one who knows
Their own worth.
Break me?
You cannot break
What refuses to shatter.
I am unbreakable —
Not because I’m strong,
But because I’m true.
And truth,
Like water,
Like light,
Like hope,
Finds its way
Through every crack
In your perfect prison.
Watch me rise.
Watch me shine.
Watch me win.