Stolen Voices
Whispers in the wind, once vibrant and strong
Now muffled by the hands of oppression
Words swallowed, throats constricted
Voices stolen, silenced by fear
The symphony of dissent fades to a hum
In the shadows, thoughts simmer and boil
Unspoken truths bubble beneath the surface
Stolen voices yearn to break free
From the cages of censorship and control
But the keys are held by those who fear change
We watch as stories are rewritten
History erased, replaced by convenient lies
Stolen voices cry out in the void
Their echoes lost in the cacophony
Of propaganda and manufactured consent
In the streets, in homes, in hearts
The weight of unspoken words grows heavy
Stolen voices gather strength in silence
Waiting for the moment to burst forth
Like a dam finally giving way
Until then, we speak in code and whispers
Finding ways to be heard without sound
For stolen voices cannot be truly silenced
They live on in art, in dreams, in hope
Waiting for the day they’ll sing again