The Way That Slips Away
You cannot catch the wind, my friend,
It twists, it turns, it loops, it bends!
The more you chase, the less you find —
Relax, let go, and free your mind!
The river runs but does not race,
It flows with ease, it knows its place.
It tumbles down, it sways, it spins,
Yet always home, it always wins!
The fish don’t paddle, don’t protest,
They glide, they turn, they simply rest.
No need to fight, no need to cling —
The Tao is light, a weightless thing!
A cloud won’t fret, it floats with grace,
It drifts, it shifts from place to place.
Yet try to hold it in your hand,
It slips away just like the sand!
So let the world just be, my friend,
No need to force, no need to bend.
For all will come, and all will go —
Just breathe, just be, just trust the flow!