The Silence Between Stars
In the vast expanse of cosmic night,
Where distant suns burn fierce and bright,
There lies a stillness, deep and grand,
A silence few can understand.
Between the stellar lullabies,
And nebulae that paint the skies,
Exists a void of quiet grace,
The breath between each note in space.
No air to carry sound waves here,
No medium for songs to veer,
Just endless, perfect quietude,
Where thoughts and dreams may yet intrude.
In this great hush, galaxies spin,
Their spiraled arms reach out and in,
While comets streak and planets turn,
In soundless paths, they dip and churn.
The silence speaks of time unknown,
Of mysteries yet to be shown,
Of questions asked by human hearts,
That echo through these silent parts.
For in this space between the gleams,
We find the stuff of all our dreams,
The quiet that connects us all,
From stardust large to stardust small.
So when you gaze upon night’s face,
And marvel at the stars in space,
Remember too the silence there,
The cosmic peace beyond compare.