The Silence Between
In the embrace of a bowl,
its hollowed curve cradles air,
an invitation to the unseen,
to the whisper of what could fill it,
the promise of sustenance unclaimed.
A doorframe stands,
an archway of absence,
where walls dissolve,
and the threshold beckons,
not just to the world outside,
but to the space within,
the quiet pulse of potential.
In emptiness, there is clarity —
a canvas unmarked by haste,
the soft echo of a heartbeat,
the pause between breaths,
the sacred silence
that cradles the weight of wonder.
What is a bowl,
if not a vessel for dreams?
What is a doorframe,
if not a passage to possibility?
It is here, in these voids,
that the unseen weaves its tapestry,
threads of intention and longing,
binding the tangible to the ethereal.
In the absence of noise,
we discover the song of stillness,
the gentle reminder that to be empty
is to be full of promise,
to hold the essence of everything,
waiting for a hand to reach in,
to fill with the richness of experience,
to step through the frame
into the vastness of what lies beyond.