The Riches We Neglect

In shadows of desire, we often stand,
Yearning for things just beyond our hand.
Focused on lack, on what we miss,
Blind to the abundance of present bliss.

We chase the mirage of greener grass,
While treasures at our feet we pass.
Dreaming of castles in the air,
We fail to see the beauty that’s there.

A warm embrace, a friend’s kind word,
The morning song of a joyful bird.
A roof above, a meal to share,
These gifts surround us everywhere.

But discontent clouds our weary eyes,
As we count our wants and not our prize.
In pursuit of more, we lose sight
Of blessings that make our world bright.

Oh, how we long for what’s not ours,
Neglecting our garden’s blooming flowers.
In the race for things we think we need,
We overlook the life we lead.

So pause, reflect, and take account
Of all the riches that surmount.
For when we shift our gaze to see,
We find we’re rich as we can be.

In gratitude, there lies the key,
To unlock joy and set us free.
For when we cherish what we hold,
We find our lives are pure gold.

So let us count our blessings dear,
And hold what’s precious ever near.
For in the now, not in the ‘could’,
Lies the essence of all that’s good.



Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)
Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

Written by Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

I learn, create, and overcome. I write, paint, blog, and practice grey witchcraft. I served in the Navy and have schizophrenia and PTSD.

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