The Mirage of Perfection


In gardens of delight, we often stray,
Chasing butterflies of fleeting joy,
Ignoring thorns that line our way,
Embracing what time will soon destroy.

False happiness, a siren’s song,
Lures us to shores of sweet pretense,
Where troubles seem so far and gone,
And life appears to make perfect sense.

But heed this warning, dear friend of mine,
Look beyond the veil of blissful lies,
For truth, though bitter as strong wine,
Holds power that never truly dies.

In mirror’s reflection, dare to see,
The flaws that make us who we are,
Not perfect beings, but wild and free,
Each bearing our own unique scar.

Acknowledge the shadows in your heart,
The doubts that whisper in the night,
For only then can true growth start,
And lead you towards a genuine light.

Change is a mountain, steep and tall,
Its peak obscured by swirling mist,
But even giants sometimes fall,
And summits wait for those who persist.

Take that first step, however small,
Embrace the struggle, feel alive,
For in the trying, we stand tall,
And through our efforts, we survive.

This world, a canvas incomplete,
Painted with both joy and pain,
Where bitter mingles with the sweet,
And sunshine dances with the rain.

Perfection’s but a fleeting dream,
A standard none can hope to meet,
Life flows like a winding stream,
With twists and turns and rough concrete.

So seek not an unblemished life,
For such a quest leads to despair,
Instead, find beauty in the strife,
And strength in burdens that you bear.

Let go of masks you wear each day,
Those crafted smiles that hide your fears,
For true self-love will find a way,
To heal the wounds of countless years.

In imperfection, find your grace,
The cracks through which your light can shine,
For it’s our flaws that give us space,
To grow, evolve, and redesign.

Do not be fooled by golden chains,
That bind you to a false ideal,
True freedom comes when one attains,
The courage to be raw and real.

Embrace the chaos and the calm,
The highs, the lows, the in-between,
For life’s not always sweet as balm,
Nor is it meant to be serene.

In every stumble, every fall,
Lies opportunity to rise,
To stand again, however small,
And face the truth without disguise.

So let us shed these cloaks of pride,
That hide the essence of our being,
And walk this journey side by side,
With eyes wide open, truly seeing.

For in acceptance of our flaws,
And in the striving to improve,
We find a strength that never thaws,
A resilience that mountains move.

Remember, as you walk this earth,
That perfection’s not the final goal,
It’s in the journey we find worth,
And piece by piece, we make us whole.

So live and love and laugh and cry,
Embrace the full spectrum of life,
For in the end, we all must die,
But until then, let’s feel alive.



Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)
Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

Written by Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

I learn, create, and overcome. I write, paint, blog, and practice grey witchcraft. I served in the Navy and have schizophrenia and PTSD.

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