The Garden
My mother is obsessed with her garden. No matter what the weather is like, she can be found out there, puttering around and tending to her beloved plants. So when she falls ill and has to stay in bed, I know that the garden will be in dire need of attention. Steeling myself for the task ahead, I head out to the garden, only to find that it is in perfect condition. All of the weeds have been pulled, the soil is freshly turned, and the plants are thriving. It’s as if someone has been taking care of it in my mother’s absence. But who could it be? There’s no one else in the house, and I’m sure that my mother would have mentioned if she’d hired a gardener. The only explanation is that the garden is being tended by elves. At first I’m not sure whether to be amused or alarmed by this discovery. But as I watch the elves going about their work, you realize that they are gentle creatures who mean no harm. In fact, they seem to take as much care of the garden as my mother does. I come to an understanding with the elves, and agree to keep their presence a secret from my mother. In exchange, they promise to continue tending to the garden while she is sick. It’s a little bit of magic in a time of hardship, and it brings a smile to my mother’s face when she finally emerges from her sickbed to find her beloved garden in pristine condition.