The Five Seasons of Revolution
Seeds of dissent scatter like sacred chao
Whispered words in basement gatherings
Five-fingered hands raised in silent protest
The old order trembles, sensing what’s to come
While Eris smiles at corners of mouths unbound
Streets erupt in golden apple fury
Barricades rise like dragon’s teeth
The people’s voice — a thunder chorus
Breaking chains with every breath
Sweet disorder dances through the city
In the whirlwind, strangers become comrades
Sharing bread and bandages and hope
No leaders here — just circles within circles
Each voice equal in the growing storm
The center cannot hold (it never could)
Paper empires crumble into ash
As file cabinets burn, their contents fly
Like frightened birds into the night
The mighty towers of order fall
Their foundations built on shifting sand
Dawn breaks over smoking ruins
We gather in the rubble, building new
From chaos comes creation
From endings spring beginnings
The cycle turns, eternal and renewed
(And somewhere Eris laughs
For change is her delight
And revolution’s wheel keeps turning
Through the five eternal seasons
Again and again and again…)