The Five Blinks of Chaos
Straight lines drawn by trembling hands
Rules etched in shifting sand
While prophets sell certainty in paper bags
And kings build thrones on matchstick dreams
The fools march on, counting their steps
One-two-one-two, always in time
To a metronome that doesn’t exist
Ha! The universe winks back
Dancing particles spin tales of probability
Order dissolves in quantum soup
While we clutch our maps of meaning
Like children holding balloon strings
In a hurricane of possibility
(The joke’s already in the air)
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Shows the jester in us all
Self-important architects of chaos
Drawing boundaries in water
Writing manifestos on smoke
We built this labyrinth ourselves
Then forgot we held the key
Letting go feels like falling
Until you realize
There was never anything to hold
The smile spreads like sunrise
Across the face of uncertainty
Peace in the eye of the storm
Dancing without moving
[ ]
(This space intentionally left empty)
(Or perhaps it was always empty)
(Or perhaps there never was a space)
(Or perhaps…)
The punchline echoes in the silence
Where once we thought we stood