The Eternal Dance of Sun and Moon
Samhain’s veil thins, spirits draw near,
Ancestors whisper on autumn’s breath,
The Wheel begins its ancient turn,
Darkness deepens, we honor death,
As the old year fades into shadow.
Yule’s longest night cradles rebirth,
The Sun Child stirs in winter’s womb,
Holly King yields to Oak King’s reign,
We kindle lights to banish gloom,
Hope rekindled in hearts of frost.
Imbolc awakens, Brigid’s flames leap,
First stirrings of spring beneath the snow,
Ewes’ milk flows, creativity blooms,
We plant our dreams, watch them grow,
As light and dark stand in balance.
Ostara bursts forth in verdant glory,
Egg and hare, symbols of fertility,
The Green Man dances through the wood,
We celebrate life’s fecundity,
As day overtakes the night.
Beltane fires burn with passion’s heat,
Maypole ribbons entwine like lovers,
The Great Rite honored in field and heart,
We revel in sensual pleasures,
As summer’s promise unfolds.
Litha’s sun reaches its zenith high,
Faeries frolic in midsummer’s eve,
We gather herbs at their most potent,
Solar energy we receive,
As light pauses before its retreat.
Lughnasadh ripens, first fruits appear,
We bake bread from the sacred grain,
Giving thanks for earth’s abundance,
Sun God weakens, yet shall remain,
As we reap what we’ve sown.
Mabon balances light and shadow,
Equinox pivot, we pause, reflect,
Wine flows freely, apples are shared,
We honor balance and interconnect,
As autumn’s cool breath returns.
The Wheel ever turns, never-ending,
Esbats mark the Moon’s silver phases,
Goddess waxes, full, and wanes,
We trace her cycle in our faces,
Eternal rhythms of death and rebirth.
In circle we gather, thirteen moons,
Celebrating nature’s ebb and flow,
Sabbats and Esbats mark sacred time,
We dance the spiral, high and low,
One with the cosmos, ever-changing.