The Emperor is a Shadow
Look —
how the candlelight makes giants
dance on temple walls
while mice scurry beneath the throne
Authority is a trick of light
projected by our own
bowed heads and bent knees
onto empty space
The crown floats
like morning mist
over the river
claiming to own its flow
Who holds the match?
Who feeds the flame?
Who taught us to mistake
shadows for gods?
In the marketplace
ten thousand subjects bow
to an empty robe
filled with yesterday’s wind
Power lives
in the space between
your eyes and mine
a shared hallucination
The scepter is bamboo
The palace, morning dew
The decree dissolves
in summer rain
the cricket’s song
holds more truth
than any imperial edict
Now —
wake up, dear friend
blow out the candle
and watch the emperor disappear
In darkness
we find our way
by touching hands
instead of shadows