The Elixir of Life
In ancient lands, a legend has been told,
Of a magical elixir, dark and bold.
Its aroma rich, inviting to partake,
A brew that can the drowsiest soul awake.
From humble beans, a power unforetold,
A drink that warms the heart and clears the mind,
In every sip, a treasure to unwind.
The roasted beans, a secret to behold,
Ground fine and pressed, a flavor to unfold.
With water hot, the alchemy does make,
A potion that can life’s dull moments break.
The first sip, a story to be scrolled,
Of energy and joy, a bliss to find,
In every cup, a pleasure unconfined.
In bustling cafes, stories new and old,
Are shared over cups of liquid gold.
The steam that rises, like a gentle snake,
A sign of bonds that coffee helps to make.
A ritual that’s worth its weight in gold,
A comforting companion, always kind,
In every brew, a friendship to unwind.
For those who toil, a respite from the cold,
A cup of warmth, their weary hands to hold.
The caffeine’s kiss, a welcome jolt to take,
To face the day, and challenges to break.
In coffee’s embrace, they find their stronghold,
A loyal friend, to help them stay aligned,
In every sip, a strength to keep in mind.
Oh, coffee, muse of poets, young and old,
Inspiring tales and verses to be told.
With each refill, a new idea to wake,
A creative spark, a masterpiece to make.
In coffee shops, where dreams are bought and sold,
A beverage that can inspiration find,
In every drop, a world to be designed.
So let us raise our cups, and be consoled,
For coffee is a love that’s unconfined.
In every brew, a story intertwined,
The elixir of life, forever bold.