The Climber’s Truth
Some dance with gravity in leaps,
scaling sheer walls with fearless grace,
while others plot each careful step
across the mountain’s weathered face.
There are those who chase the dawn,
racing shadows up the ridge,
and those who pause to taste the wind
and let each moment be their bridge.
Some shoulders carry heavy packs
of wisdom gathered down below,
while others travel light and swift,
letting intuition show the way to go.
In darkness, some find clearest paths,
their courage burning like a flame,
while others wait for morning light —
neither choice deserves our blame.
The mountain holds no favorites here,
no judgment of your chosen way.
Each footfall writes its own brave tale
of how you met the climbing day.
For when you stand above the clouds,
(no matter how you chose to rise),
You’ll find that every path was true,
Each struggle equally wise.
The summit greets all climbers same,
Whether fast or slow they came —
A thousand routes to touch the sky,
Each journey worthy of its aim.