Standing With Pride: An Ally’s Rainbow Promise
I see your courage flowing
Like arterial truth,
The life-force of resistance
Against hatred’s tide.
I stand beside your battle,
Ready to catch your blood-bright tears.
Let me help tend your healing,
Guard the space where you mend
From society’s deep cuts.
Your sunrise breaks my heart open,
Teaching me what strength looks like
When wrapped in perseverance.
Your joy is a lesson
In authentic living,
Each smile a victory
Over those who said
You shouldn’t shine.
I celebrate your light.
I watch you grow
Through concrete limitations,
Breaking free of boxes
Others built around you.
Your natural beauty
Teaches me new ways to bloom.
In depths of your serenity,
I find my own peace,
Learning harmony
From your brave existence.
Your truth runs deeper
Than any prejudice.
You wear your royalty
Without apology,
Crowning yourself
With self-acceptance.
I bow to your sovereignty
Over your own soul.
I may not share your journey,
But I walk beside you,
Learning from your colors
How to paint a better world.
My voice joins your chorus,
Not to lead but to support,
Not to speak for but to amplify,
Not to save but to serve.
I promise to be shelter
When storms rage,
To be audience when you speak,
To be silence when you need voice,
To be strength when you need rest,
To be student of your wisdom,
To be guardian of your space.
Let me help hold your flag high,
Not because you need my help,
But because justice needs all hands,
Because love needs all hearts,
Because freedom needs all voices
Raised against the dark.
I stand with your rainbow,
Learning its language,
Defending its beauty,
Fighting alongside
But never in front,
Supporting but never supplanting,
Loving but never claiming,
Proud to be ally
To your magnificent truth.
Together we face the storm,
Your colors and my commitment
Braided into something stronger
Than hatred can break,
Than fear can fade,
Than ignorance can deny.
Watch us paint tomorrow
With the hues of acceptance,
With the shades of justice,
With the tints of love
That know no bounds,
That fear no judgment,
That need no permission
To be brilliantly alive.
For in your rainbow,
I found my own freedom
From the chains of prejudice,
From the blindness of privilege,
From the silence of complicity.
Your pride taught me pride,
Your courage taught me truth,
Your love taught me love
Without boundaries,
Without conditions,
Without shame.
So let this flag fly forever,
Let these colors never fade,
Let this alliance grow stronger
With each passing storm,
Until every heart knows freedom,
Until every soul knows acceptance,
Until every love knows pride.
This is my promise,
Written in rainbow hues:
I stand with you,
I learn from you,
I fight beside you,
Until all colors blend
Into the dawn
Of true equality.