Member-only story
Reflections in a Teardrop
A single tear trails down her cheek,
Clear as morning dew on a rose.
Yet worlds pool within that lone drop -
Fragile microcosms swirl and flow.
Look closer — see memories dancing,
Moments played across rippling walls.
Laughter echoes, light refracted,
Before darkness must descend and fall.
Joy and sorrow both shimmer there,
Skating the curve of her upturned smile,
Spinning in sequence as years wear
Round the glistening orb awhile.
So much life embodied in one bead!
No diamond glints thus, prisms not so bright -
No jewel entraps time with such light speed.
Liquid jewel — encapsulate of might!
Yet blink — and the show will disappear,
Slide away as the tear descends.
Evanescing with subsequents ones…
Thus each moment’s magic ends.
But more will come, glimmer, be born
In other drops as time ticks on.
New memories dance while those now mourn,
As long as tears in human eyes spawn.
So may my own eyes pool sometimes -
To mirror the worlds held inside.
May I appreciate each moment’s shine,
Before down my cheek they slide.