Member-only story
No Master, No Mind
Begin by unlearning
everything they taught you
about who holds the keys
to your own cage
No buddha on the altar
No guru in the temple
No king on the throne
No self on the cushion
Round and round we go
chasing enlightenment
like dogs after tails
until laughter breaks the spell
Who is it that seeks freedom?
Who is it that feels bound?
Ask until the questions
dissolve their own answers
Empty your cup
Then break it
Drink straight from the stream
That flows nowhere
No flag to salute
No doctrine to defend
No meditation method
No mind to liberate
The revolution sprouts
between thoughts
like weeds through concrete
asking nothing, taking everything
Return to the beginning
which never was
Leave your shoes at the door
that doesn’t exist
No master above
No servant below
No center
No edge
Just this:
breathing in, breathing out
the eternal moment
destroying all thrones
Begin again by unlearning
what you learned about unlearning
until even freedom
forgets its name