Nature’s Resilience
In a world where concrete towers scrape the sky,
Nature stands tall, refusing to comply.
Amidst the chaos of progress and strife,
Her resilience persists, the thread of life.
She weathers the storms of human endeavor,
Roots grounded deep, her spirit unsevered.
Through deforestation’s relentless blow,
She fights for survival, a tenacious show.
Where once lush forests kissed the earth,
Now barren lands bear scars of human birth.
But still, a sapling pushes through the cracks,
A testament to nature’s will to bounce back.
Rivers once choked with pollution’s embrace,
Now run clear, a reminder of grace.
Nature’s resilience, a beacon of hope,
That healing can come when we learn to cope.
We’re called to witness this fragile dance,
To honor her gifts, give nature a chance.
For in her survival lies our very own,
A symbiotic bond, intricately sewn.
Let us heed the call to preserve and protect,
Embrace her wisdom, never neglect.
For as nature thrives, so do we all,
United in this fragile cosmic ball.
Through every storm, she’ll stand steadfast,
A testament to resilience that will last.
In her whispers, we find a plea,
To cherish and guard our shared legacy.
So let us rally, our actions aligned,
To ensure nature’s endurance, intertwined.
For in her strength, we find our own,
A reminder that we are never alone.