Infinite Now
In the tapestry of life, moments unfold,
Some shimmering with joy, others laced with gold,
But amidst the chaos, a truth remains,
The present moment, where eternity reigns.
For the past is a memory, a distant shore,
And the future a promise, yet to explore,
But in this very moment, here and now,
Lies the essence of existence, a sacred vow.
The present moment, a gift divine,
Where time and eternity intertwine,
It holds the power to heal and transform,
A sanctuary where true freedom is born.
No longer burdened by what came before,
No longer anxious for what lies in store,
In the present moment, we truly see,
The beauty that resides in simplicity.
For here, all worries and doubts dissolve,
As we immerse ourselves, problems resolve,
In the stillness of now, we find our peace,
Serenity blossoms, tensions release.
No longer bound by regrets of the past,
No longer chasing dreams that won’t last,
In the present moment, we’re truly alive,
With open hearts, we learn to thrive.
In the gentle whispers of the passing breeze,
In the dance of sunlight filtering through trees,
In the laughter shared with loved ones dear,
In the taste of life’s joys, so crystal clear.
The present moment, a sacred space,
Where gratitude blooms, and worries erase,
It teaches us to cherish every breath,
To embrace the beauty in life and death.
For the present moment is all we ever have,
A fleeting gift, like a gentle wave’s salve,
So let us embrace it, with hearts wide open,
In its embrace, find solace unspoken.
In this moment, let worries fade away,
In its embrace, may love forever stay,
For the present moment, so pure and true,
Is where life’s miracles come into view.
So be present, dear soul, in every way,
In the tapestry of life, let your presence sway,
For in the present moment lies the key,
To unlock the treasure of eternity.