I Am Betrayed by My Own Mind

My mind was once my faithful friend,
But now it seems that trust has ended.
For it has turned against me so,
Becoming my most cunning foe.

It fills my head with worry and with fear,
Whispering that danger may be near.
It conjures up grim scenes I can’t ignore,
Behind each door imagining something more.

Intrusive thoughts arrive in swarms,
Disruptive, dark, and filled with harm.
I try to keep them at bay in vain,
Their savage stings bring only pain.

At night my mind Betrays me more,
Conjuring terrors to keep me sore.
Nightmares march across my sleeping brain,
Bringing me to consciousness again.

Ruminating thoughts trap me in a cell,
Where bleak obsessions always dwell.
Brooding and worrying throughout the day,
My mind keeps its tight, tormenting sway.

I plead with it to give me some release,
But anxious thoughts only seem to increase.
Once my mind brought me joy and peace,
Now it tyrannizes without cease.

It seems I’m destined to be thus enchained,
By my own troubled, tormenting brain.
I hoped my mind would be a gentle guide,
But instead it fills me up with dread inside.

I wish that I could find some small relief,
From this grievous barrage of worry and grief.
My mind was meant to be a helpful tool,
But now it is only cruel.

For it has turned against me utterly,
Abusing me without mercy.
I’ve tried to calm its savage, restless tone,
But now I find I am alone.

Alone with only this troubled mind,
That saps my energy and makes me blind
To any hope or goodness I may find,
For only darkness does my mind now hold inside.

Oh how I wish I could be free,
From this bleak, stormy inner sea!
My mind once generated light,
Now it has banished all that’s bright.

Leaving me here in this hopeless night,
At the mercy of its inner blight.
I’ve pleaded to it to let me be,
But it only rages fiercely.

For my mind is now my adversary,
There is no doubt about its treachery.
This organ I relied on to help me thrive,
Has turned against me, Keeping me alive.

Only to further torment and abuse,
All that I do, it aims to misconstrue.
Twisting and poisoning each thought I have,
Leaving no peace, only turmoil in its wake.

Oh how I wish I could tame this beast,
That seems determined to give me no rest.
To conquer the darkness that’s filled up my mind,
But it only seems to grow less kind.

Leaving me lost, forlorn and sad,
Victimized by all the demons I have.
When will this grim torture finally cease?
When will my mind give up and release me?

Alas, I fear I am doomed for all my days,
To be the subject of the mind’s malevolent ways.
But still I cling to some fading light,
That tells me not all hope is lost from sight.

If I keep fighting, searching for the way,
To banish the shadows that lead me astray.
To find some peace of mind I can embrace,
That will end this nightmare I now face.

For I cannot allow it to control me fully,
This troubled mind that treats me so cruelly.
I must find a way to ease its ruthless grip,
Before in its darkness I completely slip.

But for now all I can do is cope,
With the pain and the fears that seem without hope.
Challenging each obsessive, anxious thought,
Though right now peace seems beyond my grasp.

But someday I believe this war will end,
The light will come back, my mind I’ll befriend.
Harmony regained, turmoil put to sleep,
My mind no longer haunting, but comforting me.

Until then, I shall face this anguished strife,
Seek meaning amidst the chaos in my life.
Have faith that I will persevere and stay strong,
Until the day the painful darkness is gone.



Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)
Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

Written by Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

I learn, create, and overcome. I write, paint, blog, and practice grey witchcraft. I served in the Navy and have schizophrenia and PTSD.

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