Celestial Carnival of Sugared Stones
In skies of spun-sugar delight,
Where day and night entwine in flight,
Cotton candy clouds drift by,
Tinting pink the cosmic sky.
Fluffy wisps of saccharine haze,
Melt on tongues of solar rays,
While cumulus confections float,
Sweet enough to make stars gloat.
Beneath this candied canopy,
A spectacle strange to see:
The moon, a cosmic acrobat,
Begins its stellar habitat.
With craters deep and surface bright,
It starts its show in fading light,
Juggling rocks from outer space,
With lunar grace and steady pace.
Asteroids of every size,
Hurled through star-speckled skies,
Arc and spin in orbits grand,
Guided by the moon’s deft hand.
One, two, three, the boulders soar,
Then four and five and many more,
A galactic circus in full swing,
While sugar-clouds their sweetness bring.
Comets streak like candy floss,
As lunar juggler shows who’s boss,
Tossing planets, moons, and rings,
In gravity-defying flings.
Earthlings gaze in wonder struck,
At sky above, now running amok,
Where cotton candy paints the scene,
Of lunar feats so rarely seen.
But as the sugar clouds disperse,
And dawn reclaims the universe,
The moon’s performance fades from sight,
Leaving dreams of cosmic delight.
So next you see a cloudy mass,
Or watch the moon as night hours pass,
Remember this surreal display,
Where sweet meets strange in cosmic play.