“Harmony of the Autumn Leaves”
Amber leaves in an autumnal ballet
A symphony whispered in russet and gold
Nature’s masterpiece on a crisp fall day
Crimson and ochre in a vibrant display
Rustling notes, a tale of the season told
Amber leaves in an autumnal ballet
Maples and oaks in a grand array
A mosaic of hues in the forest’s fold
Nature’s masterpiece on a crisp fall day
The breeze conducts, and the branches sway
A rustling chorus, a story to unfold
Amber leaves in an autumnal ballet
Sunset hues in the sun’s last ray
A palette of warmth in the cooling cold
Nature’s masterpiece on a crisp fall day
As daylight fades, the leaves gently lay
A carpet of memories, a tale centuries old
Amber leaves in an autumnal ballet
Nature’s masterpiece on a crisp fall day