Echoes of a Silent Heart
In chambers deep where no one hears,
A heart beats soft through joy and fears.
Its rhythm speaks of untold tales,
Of love and loss, of hills and vales.
Though silent to the world outside,
Within, a tempest does reside.
Emotions surge like tidal waves,
Crashing through its hidden caves.
Unspoken words line every wall,
Whispers that will never fall
On listening ears or understanding minds,
Leaving echoes of what it finds.
In solitude, it learns to dance,
To twirl and leap at every chance.
For in its silence, it grows strong,
Composing life’s unheard song.
The scars it bears, unseen by most,
Are medals from battles, inner ghosts.
Each beat a tribute to survive,
To keep its sacred flame alive.
In quietude, it screams and roars,
Of dreams unreached and closing doors.
Yet hope still flutters, gossamer-light,
A beacon in the darkest night.
This heart, though mute, speaks volumes true,
Of courage old and passions new.
Its language known to only few,
Who listen close and see it through.
So hear the echoes if you can,
Of this heart’s unspoken plan.
For in its silence, loud and clear,
Are truths that only love can hear.
The silent heart, a paradox,
Locked away, yet picks all locks.
Its echoes ripple through the years,
Speaking to those with open ears.
In stillness, find its gentle call,
A whisper that outshouts them all.
For in the quiet, pure and deep,
The silent heart its truths does keep.