Chaos Sings in the Sacred Grove
Between heartbeats of thunder
disorder blooms like nightshade,
beautiful and untamed
in moonlit rebellion
Here in the tangled spaces
where spirits slip through chain-link,
we dance with ancient chaos
wearing modern masks
No priest can consecrate
what was always holy —
the wild weeds, the broken bottles,
the spray-painted sigils
Our rituals need no temples
save abandoned lots
where entropy plants her garden
and possibilities grow wild
Blessed are the crossroads
where order breaks down,
where worlds collide and merge
like smoke and starlight
We invoke by spray can,
pray through broken windows,
find divinity in dumpsters
and prophecy in graffiti
The gods of chaos laugh
in police sirens,
dance in burning sage
and gasoline rainbows
Every full moon gathering
is a tiny insurrection
Against the ordered world
that would cage our magic
Sacred is the spiral
that breaks the grid
Sacred is the moment
when control shatters
We are witches of the margins
Priestxs of beautiful disorder
Reading omens in riot fires
Finding power in decay
Let your wild heart beat
with revolution’s drum
Let chaos sing through your bones
until all walls fall
In this grove of concrete and starlight
We remember:
True magic was never tame
True spirits were never bound