Burn the Maps, Draw the Path
Take these sacred maps
These “supposed-to’s” and “must-dos”
Feed them to the flame
Watch certainty curl into smoke
What is the sound of freedom walking away?
Listen: footprints erasing themselves
In windswept sand
The echo of chains dropping
I burned my roadmap yesterday
Scattered the ashes of “should”
Now every direction points home
Every wrong turn leads right
Tell me:
Which way does the wind need to go?
What compass guides the cloud?
What GPS does starlight use?
The experts drew their lines
Careful borders between here and there
But rain falls everywhere the same
And roots grow where they will
I’m learning to navigate
By the feel of grass between toes
By the pull of morning light
By the magnetic truth of now
Who authorized the sun to rise?
What committee approved the spring?
Which bureau licenses birds to fly?
What passport does thunder carry?
Draw me a map to this moment
Plot the coordinates of breath
Chart the course of letting go
Graph the trajectory of trust
See how easily
The lines wash away
When you stop believing
In their power to bind
The surest path
Is the one that disappears
Behind you, leaving nothing
But presence as your guide
They say: “You’ll get lost”
I say: “Perfect”
Lost is where the path begins
When you stop following tracks
Burn the maps
Erase the lines
Delete the routes
Forget the way
Then watch how naturally
Your feet find earth
Your heart finds truth
Your mind finds freedom
What direction is no direction?
What destination is no destination?
What journey is no journey?
Ask the river, ask the wind
I’m learning to trust
The compass of not-knowing
The GPS of presence
The map that writes itself in walking
Let’s gather all the shoulds
The musts, the ought-to-bes
Make a bonfire of certainty
Dance in the light of letting go
Now every step invents its own path
Every moment draws its own map
Every breath charts new territory
In the endless land of now
Tell me:
Which way to freedom?
Close your eyes and walk
The path appears beneath your feet
This is the way:
No way
This is the map:
No map
This is the journey:
The one that begins
When all directions
Become one
And all paths lead
To this step
This breath
This now