Beyond the Velvet Rope
They guard their paradise
With velvet ropes and guest lists,
Security cameras blinking
Like artificial stars
Over manicured exclusivity.
Behind crystal doors,
They toast their separateness,
While we press our faces
Against windows that reflect
Only our own hunger.
See how they dance
In climate-controlled bubbles,
While the world burns outside —
Their champagne bubbles rising
Like tiny life rafts of denial.
They’ve built their heaven
On foundations of our hell,
Their elevation measured
In the depth of others’ despair,
Their luxury lined with our lack.
Watch them sort humanity
Like vintage wines:
Some worthy of their table,
Others left to sour
In society’s cellar.
Their children wear privilege
Like designer labels,
While ours wear resilience
Like hand-me-down coats,
Too heavy for their shoulders.
But we know something they don’t:
The velvet rope is fraying,
The guest list burning,
The bouncer losing faith,
The party growing stale.
Beyond their gilded gates,
We’re building our own paradise —
No cover charge required,
No dress code enforced,
No VIP section needed.
Our music rises from streets,
Our art blooms on walls
They tried to keep blank,
Our feast shared freely
On tables made of dreams.
We dance without permission,
Celebrate without validation,
Create without their funding,
Love without their approval,
Live without their blessing.
Let them keep their velvet ropes —
We’re weaving new connections
From stronger stuff:
Hope and defiance,
Truth and tenderness.
Their exclusive world shrinks
While ours expands,
Breaking boundaries,
Building bridges,
Making room for all.
Watch us transform
Their barriers into banners,
Their walls into canvases,
Their “No Entry” signs
Into welcome mats.
Beyond the velvet rope,
We’re writing new rules
For a world where no one waits
Outside looking in,
Because we’re all already home.