Atabey’s Sons
In the beginning, there was only Atabey,
The mother of all, the goddess of the sky,
She created the heavens with her mighty hand,
But there was still a void, an empty land.
She decided to create two sons from her womb,
Yucahu and Guacar, to fill the gloom,
They inherited her power and her grace,
They became the creators of every place.
Yucahu shaped the land with his breath,
He made mountains and valleys and forests.
He planted seeds and fruits and flowers,
He gave life to birds and beasts and powers.
Guacar formed the sea with his tears,
He made waves and currents and reefs,
He filled the water with fish and shells,
He gave motion to sharks and whales and eels.
They also created the sun and the moon with their love,
They made them shine bright above,
They made them lovers who danced through the sky,
They made them light up the day and the night.