Abiding Love
Your love came softly upon me
Like the glow of dawn’s first light.
Warming my soul, stirring my spirit,
Casting out the dark night.
In whispers and glances it awakened,
As our worlds intertwined,
A bond was forged unbreakable,
Destined, twined like twining vines.
Time seemed to slow as I lost myself
In the depths of your eyes.
Together we wandered rapt in bliss,
While the days and nights did fly.
We built a life, a home filled with hope,
Laughter, dreams and care.
Through all the highs and lows we held fast,
Each trial we learned to bear.
As the decades slipped gently by,
Our souls remained entwined.
Held safe within each others hearts,
True love so rarely find.
We walk now hand in hand down time’s path,
The march of days now slow.
But still you live there in my heart’s core,
My one true home I know.
For such a love as we did share
Will never fade or die.
Beyond the bounds of mortal years
This timeless love shall fly.