A Recipe for Liberation Salad
Start with a clean bowl of discontent
(Wash thoroughly under running consciousness)
Pour in one cup of pure, unfiltered chaos
Freshly harvested from the gardens of possibility
Let it dance and swirl like morning mist
Add a generous pinch of solidarity
(The kind that sticks to your fingers
And refuses to let go)
Carefully peel five ripe fnords
(You’ll know they’re ready when
The invisible becomes visible
And the obvious disappears)
Toss in three tablespoons of mutual aid
Gathered from neighborhood assemblies
And midnight potlucks
Sprinkle golden glitter liberally
(The revolution must be fabulous)
Watch it catch the light of burning hierarchies
Mix with bare hands
Feel the ingredients combine
Like strangers becoming comrades
Let rest for 23 minutes
Or one eternal moment
(Whichever comes first)
Garnish with wildflowers
Grown through cracks in the concrete
And a zest of spontaneous joy
Serve immediately
In mismatched bowls
At room temperature revolution
Best shared under open skies
With laughing conspirators
And dancing dissidents
Warning: May cause unexpected outbreaks
Of freedom, community, and uncontrollable hope
Side effects include chronic resistance
And persistent questioning of authority
- No rulers were used in measuring these ingredients
- Best consumed before the expiration of patience
- If revolution doesn’t rise, add more chaos and repeat
Serves: All
Preparation Time: From now until forever
Storage: Cannot be contained